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INTEMERATA | 2014                          music by Theresa Wong                     video by John Sanborn

IItalian video producer Magmart asked me to participate in their F.I.V.E. project - a collection of 25 artists exploring the five senses. This series showed around the world at both traditional venues (museums and galleries) and unusual spaces, like a grocery store in Canada.


I was assinged the sense of  "touch" and created a sensual piece with dancer Laura Bernasconi. The process was juried based on open submissions.  I was pleased that the resulting work called "INTEMERATA"  was selected for their world tour.


See more about FIVE at including the dates and venues for the screenings.

dreamscape | 2011                                 music by David Meyer             video by John Sanborn

The dream of a life of value is what we expect when we are young, but as the years wear us down we settle for small victories. "dreamscape" is a meditation on where to find the balance between desire and reality, fueled by the composer David Meyer's propulsive score and the evocative images of video artist John Sanborn. Best friends in High School the duo meets up in the 21st Century in a territory they both know all too well -- that landscape of honesty where what you wanted and what you got meet head on.

2011 Mill Valley Film Festival Trailer

I was asked to create a trailer to promote the 34th Mill Valley Film Festival in 2011. I was very flattered and honored as the Festival has shown my work many times in its history. The project started with a conversation with the Festival staff, and designer John Casado who developed the 2011 poster and branding image. We explored several concepts, settling on the idea of the orange ball being an agent of change- similar to how the Mill Valley festival changes your understanding of film. As it sweeps through different scenes it transforms the elements leaving wonder in its wake.

ACT III   | 1983                  music by Philip Glass                        video by Dean Winkler and John Sanborn

This piece of abstract  video art created in 1983 using early digital video technology. Dean and I had experimented in video animation using multiple generations of video layers to describe mental landscapes filled with fluid objects and motion. For this work Philip Glass made a special edit of the third act of his musical play, "The Photographer" which tells the sad tale of the life of Eadweard Muybridge. We wanted to make a journey from one "state" to another in synchronicity with the layers of music for which Glass is famous. The girl in the opening is Juliet Glass. Winner of the Yokohama Animation Festival First Prize for Computer Graphics. This work contains zero computer graphics.

PERFECT LIVES (excerpts) | 1983 an opera for television by Robert Ashley   directed by John Sanborn

An opera for television by Robert Ashley, created in 1983. Excepts from four of the seven acts.

Perfect Lives has been called "the most influential music/theater/literary work of the 1980s." At its center is the hypnotic voice of Robert Ashley. His continuous song narrates the events of the story and describes a 1980's update of the mythology of small town America. 


Derived from a colloquial idiom, Perfect Lives transforms familiar material into an elaborate metaphor for the rebirth of the human soul. It has been called a comic opera about reincarnation.​

The work was 5 years in the making, but with a commission from Britain's Channel Four, all 7 half hours were shot and edited with Dean WInkler and Mary Perillo.

​The entire piece can be purchased in all it's remastered DVD goodness at:

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